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Planar Transformers & Power Magnetics for Military & Aerospace Applications

Power magnetics and planar transformers for Mil-Aero
F-35Magnetische ProduktePlanar SpulenPlanar TransformatorenUAV
Custom Planar Transformers & Power Magnetics for Military & Aerospace Applications „When you are designing the most advanced jet fighter in the world, you never want to hear you’re grounded. That’s why customers trust Standex Electronics.“ Standex Electronics has developed a diverse range of space-saving planar transformers and power magnetics for...
Veröffentlicht unter Military & Aerospace Getagged mit: , , , ,

E-Car Isolation Measurement

Reed Relays in E-car isolation measurement
E-CarHochspannungsisolationsschutzReed RelaisVerkehrsmittel
Internal isolation measurement measurement systems requires a reliable switching component that can handle high voltage isolation. That’s where Reed relays come in. Hybrid and electric drivetrains in cars, trucks, and two-wheelers are introducing new, previously unknown challenges in the transportation industry. The 12V or 24V board net is now complemented...
Veröffentlicht unter Automobil, Reed Relais Getagged mit: , , ,

Extreme Temperature – Fluid Level Sensors

Level Sensoren
Introduction There are several laboratory fluid systems that required fluid level monitoring to help control very elaborate equipment processes. This new float sensor has four sensing positions, three of  which are dedicated to monitoring hot fluid levels, and the fourth to sense a low fluid level cut-off point. The fourth...
Veröffentlicht unter Unkategorisiert Getagged mit:

Pioneering the Art of Craftsmanship and Innovation

Company HistoryPlanar Spulen & TransformatorenReed RelaisReed SchalterReed Sensoren
Since the 1950’s, Standex Electronics has been leading efforts to advance the support of customers to solve the toughest of challenges through their innovation in component building capabilities. According to Merriam Webster’s definition of craftsmanship, it states it is “the quality of design and work that are shown in something...
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Magnetically Based Sensors in a Smart World (GMR, Reed, Hall, etc.)

Magnetic Sensors Reed Hall GMR
Hall Effekt SensorenMagnetic SensingMagnetoresistive SensorenReed Sensoren
The ability to monitor the status of almost anything in real time using new, remotely addressable systems is exploding the need for sensors. These sensors can detect and monitor key variables in a broad range of applications including security, industrial processes, transportation equipment, commercial and industrial buildings and even within...
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein Getagged mit: , , ,

Smart Sensing in Our Wireless World

Smart Sensing in Home Security
Hall Effekt SensorenKontaktlose Reed SensorenReed SchalterSmart Home
WE MATTER | WE CONNECT – Smart Sensing in Home Security If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Smart Sensing Bring Home Security Features Alive The Evolution of Sensors in the Security Market Connected Homes, Strong Engineering, and...
Veröffentlicht unter Magnetic Sensing Getagged mit: , , ,

Was für Reedschalter von Standex Electronics spricht

Technisch gesehen ist der Reedschalter einzigartig.
Reed SchalterReedschalterleistung
Falls Sie Hilfe zu Einzelbereichen benötigen, können Sie jederzeit zu den folgenden Abschnitten springen: Zuverlässigkeit: Mehr Leistung, weniger Verschleiß, Maßgeschneidert Was für Reedschalter von Standex Electronics spricht Wichtige Parameter bei der Wahl eines Reedschalters Wo Reedschalter eingesetzt werden Fazit Zusätzliche Ressourcen Zuverlässigkeit: Mehr Leistung, weniger Verschleiß, Maßgeschneidert Es ist kein...
Veröffentlicht unter Reed Technologie Getagged mit: ,

Why Standex Electronics Planar Transformers

Standex Electronics Planar Transformers
Planar SpulenPlanar Spulen & Transformatoren
„Standex Electronics Planar Transformers offer improved power density and performance over-wire wound designs.“ If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Introduction The Advantages of Planar Transformers Over Wire-Wound Why Standex Electronics Planar Transformers? General Guide on Designing with...
Veröffentlicht unter Planar Transformatoren Getagged mit: ,

Problem Solvers: Engineering Manager, Alex Vinnage

Level SensorenÜberlaufschutzschalterWater In Fuel Sensors
Engineering Manager Tackles Projects with a Marine Mentality Alex Vinnage, Engineering Manager for Standex Electronics, has an innate ability to motivate, leads diverse teams, exudes a strong work ethic, and displays how previous experiences with the Marine Corps, P&G, and 3M has shaped him into the employee he is today. His path has enabled...
Veröffentlicht unter Thought Leadership Getagged mit: , ,

Why Standex Electronics Fluid Level, Pressure, and Flow Sensors

Fluid Level Sensors in custom and standard packaging
Hall-Effekt-Füllstandsensorkapazitiver FüllstandsensorLevel SensorenReed-Füllstandsensor
„Fluid level sensors that are reed switch based are low power devices that don’t require complex electronics, making them very appealing for most applications.“ If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Introduction Standex Electronics Fluid Level Sensors Environmental...
Veröffentlicht unter Level Sensoren & Schwimmer Getagged mit: , , ,



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