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Agricultural Sensor Applications

Agricultural Sensor Applications „Standex Electronics harnesses the potential of reed switches and Hall effect technologies to create advanced agricultural sensor solutions.“ If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Introduction Agricultural Sensor Applications Why Partner with Standex Electronics? Conclusion Additional Resources Introduction...

Standex Electronics India – A Prominent Partner for Custom Sensors

Standex Electronics India inside the manufacturing facility in Tamil Nadu „A global appliance manufacturer, with a subsidiary in India, has selected Standex Electronics India (SEI) as a partner of choice for their customized reed sensor application.“ If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Introduction Why Partner with Standex...

Planar Transformers for EV On-Board Chargers & DC-DC Converter Applications

Planar Transformer in EV „Planar Transformers for EV offer power density in a small package and >99% high-frequency efficiency.“ Introduction Automotive manufacturers are moving quickly to provide alternatives to gasoline and diesel run engines (ICEs). As a result, the Electric Vehicle (EV) market is growing at a rapid pace. Therefore, e-cars offer auto makers a clean...

E-Car Isolation Measurement

Reed Relays in E-car isolation measurement Internal isolation measurement measurement systems requires a reliable switching component that can handle high voltage isolation. That’s where Reed relays come in. Hybrid and electric drivetrains in cars, trucks, and two-wheelers are introducing new, previously unknown challenges in the transportation industry. The 12V or 24V board net is now complemented...

Reducing Height: A Tall Order For Standex Electronics

  Transforming the ability to modernize capacity and reduce costs in electric vehicles An automotive manufacturer approached Standex Electronics with the challenge to provide a reduction in height of 50% from a traditional wire-wound transformer, and create a custom solution that met their specifications. All this, while maintaining the footprint....



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