Kontakt Lieferverfügbarkeit

400 Hz Transformator 1.5 VA bis 9 VA


Miniatur verkapselter Ringkern-Leistungstransformator mit 400 Hz. Entwickelt für die Anforderungen von Mil-PRF-27/37 bis /47. 308 Standardd Designs von 1.5VA bis 25 VA verfügbar. Eine Vielzahl von Ausgangsspannungen bietet eine maximale Einsatzflexibilität. Standex Electronics entwickelt speziell auf Kundenwünsche agbestimmte Produkte.


Nennleistung1.5 VA bis 9 VA
Frequenzbereich400 Hz


Niederfrequenz, Hochfrequenz

Seriendatenblatt (PDF)

Ergänzende Produkte

2mH Schaltregler-Induktivität in verkapselter Bauweise. Besfestigungseinsatz für zusätzliche Montagefestigkeit. Sondergrößen und kundenspezifischeAnforderungen können speziell entwickelt werden.

10mH Schaltregler-Induktivität erfüllt die Anforderungen von Mil-PRF 287, 288 und 289 mit einer verkapselten Bauweise. Doppelwicklung für mehr Stromkapazität. Mittellochmontage. Sondergrößen und kundenspezifische Anforderungen können speziell entwickelt werden.

Scott T Transformator speziell für Luft- und Raumfahrtanwendungen sowie für die Rüstungsindustrie. Dreidrahtige Wicklung für den Eingang des Scott T Transformator welche isoliert in zwei Signale umgewandelt werden und Anteilig zu Sinus und Cosinus ausgegeben werden können. Kundenspezifischen Produktlösungen können von Standex Electronics entwickelt werden.

Miniatur verkapselter Ringkern-Leistungstransformator mit 400 Hz. Entwickelt für die Anforderungen von Mil-PRF-27/37 bis /47. 308 Standardd Designs von 1.5VA bis 25 VA verfügbar. Eine Vielzahl von Ausgangsspannungen bietet eine maximale Einsatzflexibilität. Standex Electronics entwickelt speziell auf Kundenwünsche agbestimmte Produkte.

Technische Informationen

Datasheet – Planar Transformer 10kW-100kWDatasheet – TLE TLB FPT Series Low Voltage Lighting TransformersDatasheet – TA-TAE-FPT Series Auto TransformersDatasheet – FPS Series Class 2 TransformersDatasheet – FTA Series Class 2 TransformersDatasheet – CA Series Class 2 TransformersDatasheet – FPT Series Power Toroidal TransformersDatasheet – TRPH Series Horizontal Split Bobbin Power TransformersDatasheet – TRP-TRPD Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TRPL Series Power TransformersDatasheet – TRPI Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TRC Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TRB Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TAP Series Telecomm TransformersDatasheet – FTP Series Class 2 TransformersDatasheet – TRL Series Low Profile TransformerDatasheet – TRE Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TRCQ Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TRCI-TRBI Series Low Voltage Rectifier TransformersDatasheet – TCE Series Control Circuit TransformersDatasheet – TCC-TCK Series Control Circuit Power TransformersDatasheet – TC Series Control Circuit TransformersDatasheet – FTC-FTD-FTK Series Class 2 TransformersDatasheet – CHB-CHC Series ReactorsDatasheet – 400 Hz Power Transformers 1.5 VA to 9 VADatasheet – Scott T TransformersDatasheet – 2mH Switching Regulator InductorsDatasheet – 10mH Switching Regulator InductorsDatasheet – CSB Series High/Low Frequency Current Sense TransformerDatasheet – SJ / SU Series High Frequency Toroidal InductorDatasheet – CM Series High/Low Frequency Toroidal Common Mode ChokeDatasheet – CI CJ Series High Frequency Toroidal Differential Mode InductorDatasheet – SP Series High Frequency Toroidal Power “Chip” InductorDatasheet – ST Series High Frequency Toroidal Power “Chip” InductorDatasheet – Planar Transformer 10W-50WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 20W-150WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 50W-200WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 100W-500WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 150W-700WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 300W-1200W HeatsinkDatasheet – Planar Transformer 300W-1200WDatasheet – Planar Transformer 1kW-3kW HeatsinkDatasheet – Planar Transformer 1kW-3kWDatasheet – Planar Transformer 2kW-6kW HeatsinkDatasheet – Planar Transformer 2kW-6kWDatasheet – Planar Transformer 3kW-10kW HeatsinkDatasheet – Planar Transformer 3kW-10kWDatasheet – Planar Transformer 10kW-20kW HeatsinkDatasheet – Planar Transformer 10kW-20kWDatasheet – Planar Transformer 10kW-30kW

Broschüren & Kataloge

Sensor & Relay Selection GuideStandex Electronics UnternehmensbroschürePlanar Magnetics FlyerCustom Magnetics CapabilitiesProduct Solutions – Magnetics Solutions InfographicCapabilities & Solutions – Magnetics BrochureSME Planar Magnetics Design GuideProduct Solutions – Kundenspezifische Elektronik & Füllstand- sensoren – Marine MarktProduct Solutions – Kundenspezifische Elektronik und Füllstandsensoren – Automobil MarktProduct Solutions – Chirurgisches BildgebungsverfahrenProduct Solutions – Reedschalter und kunden-spezifische Bauteile – SicherheitsmarktProduct Solutions – Leistungsmesser – MarktProduct Solutions – Anwendungen für den Medizin-MarktProduct Solutions – Magnetische ReedschalterProduct Solutions – Anwendungen für den BeleuchtungsmarktProduct Solutions – Anwendungen für den IndustriemarktProduct Solutions – Kundenspezifischer, induktiver Sensor – AutomotiveProduct Solutions – HaushaltsgeräteProduct Solutions – Anwendungen für unbemannte SystemeProduct Solutions – Ringkerntransformator für medizinische AnwendungenProduct Solutions – Rogowskispulen für AC-MessungenProduct Solutions – Niedrige Frequenz hat eine hohe Priorität bei Standex ElectronicsProduct Solutions – HVAC-Markt Anwendungen – Produkt GuideProduct Solutions – Anwendungen für den LebensmitteltechnikmarktProduct Solutions – Stromwandler für Verbrauchsmessungs- anwendungenProduct Solutions – Stromwandler – Kundenspezifizierte und Standard DesignsProduct Solutions – Antennen, Spulen und Komponenten für Automobil-, Marine- und Industrieapplikationen



Industrial Automation Power and Planar Magnetics

In industrial automation, power magnetics are the driving force behind many successful applications.

We’re redefining what it means to power your automated systems, ensuring high-power efficiency, optimal thermal management, and durability to withstand the factory floor.

Standex’s custom power magnetics are engineered for precise maneuverability, smart Industrial Internet of Things features, and the high-use demands of intelligent machinery.

Power magnetics are pivotal for various systems, including motor control and drives, automation equipment, robotics, conveyors, and automated guided vehicles.

They regulate energy distribution, convert electrical energy efficiency, enable precise maneuvering, optimize performance, and ensure seamless navigation and operation.

Standex offers a range of products, including custom-engineered components to meet the unique specifications of industrial automation systems.

From power transformers to compact switched-mode power supply transformers for voltage regulation, power inductors for energy storage, and chokes for electromagnetic interference mitigation.

Additionally, our planar magnetics boast low-profile designs and superior thermal management for optimized performance.
Explore Standex’s partner, solve, and deliver® approach, where we provide customized solutions for complex problems. Learn how you can optimize and fortify your industrial automation systems for peak performance and reliability.

Smart Grid Power and Planar Magnetics

As our world becomes increasingly connected, the demand for smarter energy solutions grows to meet the evolving needs of these advanced systems.

In this context, the role of custom power magnetics is crucial. Power magnetics are vital in transforming energy management, efficiency, and sustainability. They are essential for rapid data transmission, robust energy management, and precision control.

Power magnetics are the backbone of smart grid control and monitoring, enabling utilities to optimize performance and ensure stability.

Smart revenue metering systems rely on power magnetics to collect and transmit data for accurate billing and resource management.

Additionally, power magnetics play a crucial role in microgrid controls, energy storage systems, and energy harvesting applications, contributing to grid stability, system longevity, and a sustainable energy landscape.

Standex Magnetics offers a range of essential components designed for efficiency and reliability in modern energy systems, with a significant portion of these components custom-engineered to meet unique requirements.

Power transformers efficiently distribute energy with minimal losses, featuring versatile voltage stepping capabilities to meet network demands.

Switched-Mode Power Supply Transformers offer a wide input voltage range for flexible power generation and consumption in a space-saving design.

Current transformers provide precise current measurement critical for fault detection and load monitoring, ensuring reliable performance under varying load conditions.

Power inductors guard against surges and spikes to protect sensitive components.

Chokes deliver exceptional electrical performance, handling high currents suppressing electrical noise.

Planar Magnetics feature compact, low-profile designs that optimize space, with superior thermal management to prevent overheating and ensure consistent performance.

Explore Standex’s partner, solve, and deliver® approach, where we provide customized solutions for complex problems. From rapid-fire iterations to real-time collaboration, unlock the reliable performance of your smart grid systems. Visit: standexelectronics.com to learn more.

Military and Aerospace Power and Planar Magnetics

In the high-stakes realm of aerospace and defense, reliable precision technology is crucial for every mission. Explore how power and planar magnetics enable critical applications.

Power and planar magnetics optimize power and signal processing in communication, interception, and hypersonic missile systems, as well as enhance the clarity and effectiveness of target acquisition in radio and microwave-sensing detection systems.

Power magnetics are engineered to endure extreme speeds, temperatures, and the demands of flight, ensuring mission-critical performance and safety.

With their high-power density, planar magnetics demonstrate remarkable efficiency in power transfer, maximizing energy usage while minimizing waste.

The flat winding structure of the planar allows for a lower profile and lighter weight while also enabling maximum thermal management. This design provides more space for components to dissipate heat, ensuring reliable performance.

Planar magnetics are vital in hypersonic missile systems, addressing key factors like space, weight, and operational efficiency in extreme conditions.

Standex’s extensive product range includes standard and custom options to fulfill your military and aerospace requirements. From power transformers and inductors to chokes and planar components, we ensure that every aspect of your project is met with precision, reliability, and longevity.

With our customer-first approach, we partner, solve, and deliver® through the most complex challenges and lead the charge in custom magnetics engineered to meet highly customized designs.

Keep your projects on track with real-time collaboration from Standex.

Standex Electronics | Planar Transformatoren

Planar Transformatoren sind bevorzugte Bauteile in Schaltnetzteilen. Diese wandeln normalerweise die Spannung oder den Strom von A/C (Wechselstrom) in D/C (Gleichstrom) um. Erfahren Sie mehr über Planar Transformatoren von Standex Electronics in unserem Video.

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