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MK33-66 surface mount reed switch dimensions

The MK33-66 surface mount reed switch is a bare glass sensor engineered with a new lead design, providing stability and optimum coplanarity. The unique barrel lead design provides superb solderability and self-alignment to the pads for easy pick and place. The MK33-66 is an ultraminiature 14mm automotive-grade version is capable of switching 200 VDC. Featuring an extremely low-profile construction, ideal for applications requiring small footprint in printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies. TheMK33-66 SMD series tiny footprint allows it to be mounted in a tight reed switch ladder array, for multi-point and continuous liquid level monitoring applications. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 60286- 3.

Miniatur Hochleistungs-Reed Schalter ORD228VL mit einer Glaslänge von 14,0mm und einem Durchmesser von 2,2mm. Schaltleistung 10 W, Schaltspannung 100 VDC, Schaltstrom 0,5 Amp DC. Häufig verwendet.

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