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Ultraminiatur Reed Relais (8mm & weniger) |

Ultraminiatur Reed Relais von Standex Electronics gehören zu den kleinsten Relais weltweit mit einer Größe von 8mm und kleiner. Die CRR- & CRF-Serien sind nur 3,4mm hoch und somit die kleinsten SMD Reed Relais der Industrie. Die kleinen Abmessungen sind ideal für Umgebungen, die ein geringes Profil erfordern und bestens geeignet für Pick & Place Maschinen.

Parametrische Suche

MHV Series Reed Relay

Miniatur-Hochspannungsrelais kombiniert zuverlässiges Schalten und hohe Isolationseigenschaften in einem kompakten Design. Entwickelt für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen wie Isolationsmessungen in Batteriemanagementsystemen oder andere Anwendungen, bei denen niedrige Leckströme erforderlich sind.

Kriech- und Luftstrecken gemäß den internationalen Standard IEC 60664-1, ISO 6469-3, IEC 60601-1 und IEC 62109-1/2. SMD-Ausführung ohne interne Lötstellen – Reflow-Löten kompatibel. Getestet gemäß AEC-Q200, UL-Zulassung, RoHS/REACH.

MFS series reed relay

The MFS series reed relay is an ultra-compact and lightweight option designed for high-density PCB mounting. It can be easily installed in narrow spaces, making it ideal for high-density market demands. The MFS series offers 1 Form A, 2 Form A, and 1 Form C (SPDT) relay options, making it suitable for load board applications and high-density switching matrices.

  • SPDT High Density
  • 3.3V, 5V, 12V Coil available
  • Magnetic Shield
  • Smallest Mounting Space: 4.9mm x 4.9mm
  • Electrostatic Shield and Diode Options
MF series reed relay is an ultra-high-density vertical

The MF series reed relay is an ultra-high density vertical square shape for high density PCB assembly, which has the smallest surface size of 4.35mm x 4.35mm in our product line. The size allows you to meet the KGD demands of the IC industry by mounting 500 relays on an 8” board and 1000 relays on a 12” board.

We also offer additional options such as single/double shield and relay sockets for easy maintenance. Please contact our sales engineers for more details.

MH series reed relay

The MH series reed relay is a miniature vertical 1 Form C surface mount relay. This relay series offers a higher contact rating, compact mounting area, and high reliability with its 1 Form C configuration, utilizing our renowned 1 Form A + 1 Form B technology. Its standard magnetic field feature minimizes magnetic interference, making it suitable for high-density boards. This relay is ideal for ATE, measurement equipment, and telecommunications.

  • RF performance to 3 GHz
  • 5 Watt Contact Rating, 50 V Switching capable
  • 300 x 10⁶ cycle

CRR Reed Relais zur SMD-Montage mit hohem Isolationswiderstand von 10^14 Ω in einem sehr flachen Keramikgehäuse. Miniatur Relais mit denselben thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten wie der Reed Schalter, wodurch jeder mechanische Stress durch Temperatureinflüsse vermieden wird. Das weltweit kleinste Relais, geliefert in Tape & Reel Ausführung, mit oder ohne BGA (Ball Grid Arrays).

UL Certificate of Compliance

MT series reed relay

The MT series reed relay is a high-density surface mount changeover-like form design. This MT series was engineered specifically for ATE pin-electronics differential applications. These relays are available in a single SMT package with a 25% reduction in assembly space compared to existing Sanyu brand SMT product line. The MT series surface mount 1 and 2 Form C (A+B) offer exceptional performance, reliability, and credibility. These high-density surface mount relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

  • RF Performance up to 4 GHz
  • Impedance 50Ω
  • Reliability > 300 Million

UMS Reed Relais mit Schaltleistung bis zu 10W bei einer max. Schaltspannung von 170V und einem Schaltstrom von max. 1A. Ultraminiatur Single-In-Line Relais mit ca. 50% kleineren Abmessungen im Vergleich zur Standard MS-Serie. Speziell für Applikationen mit geringerem Platzbedarf.

UL Certificate of Compliance

M Series reed relay

The M Series reed relay 1 Form A with excellent shielding and 4 GHz RF performance. This series relay was developed to significantly reduces the mounting area by approximately 50% while maintaining a maximum contact capacity of 10W. These high-density surface mount relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

  • RF Performance up to 4 GHz
  • Impedance 50Ω
  • Axial leads on demand
  • 1500 V upon request
C Series reed relay high-density surface mount relay

The C Series reed relay is a 1 Form A with excellent shielding and 5 GHz RF performance. This compact, high-density, low-profile surface mount relay offers the same reliability and assembly capabilities as the M Series but in a smaller package. 

Compared to the M Series, it achieves a 10% size reduction while maintaining the same high reliability. The C Series is known for its long product life and is widely used in ATE, telecommunications, and wireless communications markets.

C Series reed relay high-density surface mount relay

The U Series reed relays offer the smallest SMD mounting area while delivering 8 GHz performance. Designed to combine a compact package with high-frequency capability, this series extends its effective bandwidth up to 8 GHz. These ultra miniature relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

CRF Reed Relais zur SMD-Montage in sehr flachem Keramikgehäuse, mit einem hohem Isolationswiderstand von 10^14 Ω. Miniatur Relais mit denselben thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten wie ein Reed Schalter, wodurch jeder mechanische Stress durch Temperatureinflüsse vermieden wird. Tape & Reel Ausführung, mit oder ohne BGA (Ball Grid Arrays).

UL Certificate of Compliance


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