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Reed switches prove reliable for high power photovoltaic designs

Articles | Juli 10, 2024 |

Source: Electronics Weekly

Renewable energy initiatives are on the rise around the world. Countries are adopting comprehensive plans to reach ambitious solar reliance goals within the next decade. The trend drives new demand for equipment such as solar inverters and pushes engineering partners to innovate sensors that satisfy creepage distances and switching voltages of high-power photovoltaic applications…continue reading

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Driving Efficiency: Exploring the Advantages of Reed Relays in EVs

Articles | Januar 14, 2024 |

Source: EE Power

Renewable energy initiatives are on the rise around the world. Countries are adopting comprehensive plans to reach ambitious solar reliance goals within the next decade. The trend drives new demand for equipment such as solar inverters and pushes engineering partners to innovate sensors that satisfy creepage distances and switching voltages of high-power photovoltaic applications…continue reading

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Reed switches vs Hall-effect switches

Articles | Dezember 15, 2023 |

Source: Electronics Weekly

Demand for reed switches has risen significantly in the recent past. This is primarily due to their mechanical structure, which reduces energy consumption to zero when the switch is in a passive state. That is why reed switches are an attractive alternative to Hall-effect sensors for applications in which energy efficiency and low power consumption are key…continue reading

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Reed Relays Offer Reliability for EVs, High-Voltage Measurement

Articles | Oktober 17, 2023 |

Source: EE Power

The BH and MHV reed relays from Standex bring reliability, performance, and a small form factor to high-voltage measurement and control systems in automotive and industrial applications…continue reading

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Advantages of Employing Reed Switches and Sensors in the Renewable Energy Industry

Articles | April 28, 2023 |

Source: Engineering.com

This white paper provides an overview of the features that make reed switches, sensors, and relays the ideal choice in renewable energy applications, from their extra-long life to zero power consumption…continue reading

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An Essential Design Decision: The Benefits of Reed Sensors and Switches

Articles | April 28, 2023 |

Source: Engineering.com

The two major types of magnetic sensing solutions – reed and Hall-effect – have been successfully switching and sensing across applications for years. This white paper breaks down the advantages of reed switches and sensors over other types…continue reading

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Planar transformers for switch-mode power conversion

Articles | Januar 18, 2016 |

Source: Electronic Products

Planar transformers for switch-mode power conversion have been around for many years, and I have often wondered why they are not used more frequently. These usually SMT devices have a distinct density advantage and a high-frequency loss advantage…more

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Reed Series Products Deliver Simplicity, Cost Savings in Smart Home Worlds

Articles | Oktober 22, 2015 |

Source: DigiKey Electronics

Standex Electronics reed relays, switches, and sensors play a vital role in the switching of on and off smart home system applications. The reed switch itself provides a base of energy conservation stemming from custom design and solutions.  Partnering with DigiKey, we provide our reed series product lines via a global distribution platform…continue reading

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It’s a Small World — and Getting Smaller

Articles | Mai 5, 2014 |

Source: Sensor Tips

Doing more with less drives the miniaturization of next generation electronic components.

Doing more with less is the mantra of our era. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the drive towards miniaturization in the next generation of electronic components and systems. The push for smaller parts is coming both from the need for smaller assemblies that can be used in specific applications as well as the need to reduce material costs by making smaller parts that can work as well as larger parts. One key area where this trend is playing out is with reed sensors and planar transformers where new manufacturing techniques are pushing the limits of smaller, faster, and cheaper…more

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The Advantages of Planar Transformers over Wire-Wound

Articles | März 11, 2014 |

Source: Electronics Product Design & Test (EDPT)

Planar transformers are steadily replacing the need for traditional wire-wound transformers in many industries. Electric vehicles, solar inverters, wind power, aviation, healthcare, and industrial manufacturing are just some of the areas where this technology is gaining ground…more


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