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Miniatur Hochspannungs Single-In-Line Relais – bis zu 4kVDC

Introducing our newest and smallest High Voltage/High Current Reed Relay Series! The SIL HV Series High Voltage/High Current Reed Relays is an epoxy sealed, single-in-line package measuring only 24mm x 6.4mm x 8.9mm.  An optional offset pin-out measuring 29mm x 6.4mm x 8.9mm is also available.  Standard coil selections include...
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Range Expansion of LS03

The distinctive feature of the level sensor LS03 -NN is the conical running up thread NPT. The distinctive feature of the level sensor LS03-NN is the conical running up thread NPT. This allows for a quick and easy assembly without any locknut. Due to his small and tight design this...
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