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STANDEX gibt die Akquisition von SANYU SWITCH CO., LTD. bekannt.

SALEM, N.H., 20. Februar 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Standex International Corporation (NYSE:SXI) bestätigt, dass es die zuvor angekündigte Übernahme von Sanyu Switch Co., Ltd. abgeschlossen ist. Es wird erwartet, dass sich die Akquisition des Unternehmen bereits im ersten Jahr positiv auf die Erträge auswirkt und eine zweistellige Rendite auf das investierte...
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Eröffnungsfeier Neubau Welschingen

Im Beisammensein mit unserem CEO David Dunbar, President John Meeks, GM – VP Ralf Maier und Herrn Moser, Bürgersmeister von Engen, wurde der Neubau von Standex Electronics in Welschingen am 28.03.2023 feierlich eröffnet und symbolisch dafür das „rote Band“ durchgeschnitten. Anschließend gab es mit unseren Gästen, Mitarbeitern und der geladenen...
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Standex Electronics erwirbt American Relays, Inc.

American Relays, Inc. added to Standex Electronics Timeline Cincinnati, OH, 25. Mai 2021 – Standex Electronics, ein globaler Hersteller von Elektronikkomponenten, hat die Firma American Relays, Inc. übernommen, ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen, das Relais auf Reedschalterbasis herstellt.     „Standex Electronics freut sich, die Marke American Relays in sein Reed-Relais-Portfolio aufzunehmen, um seine Position auf dem Test- und Messmarkt...
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Standex Electronics Releases MK31 Series Reed Sensor

Fairfield OH, Sep 22, 2020 – Standex Electronics, a global electronics component manufacturer, is pleased to announce that it has extended its line of ultraminiature surface mount (SMD) reed sensors with the introduction of the new MK31 Series. Featuring a powerful, ultraminiature design that is 20% smaller than the competition,...
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 EXPANDING CUSTOM MAGNETICS CAPABILITIES AND CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION  Acquires Renco Electronics, Inc., a Leading U.S. Custom Magnetics Manufacturer Enhances Standex’s Custom Magnetics Scale with Highly Complementary Technical and Application Expertise and Customer End Markets     SALEM, NH – July 16, 2020 – Standex International Corporation (NYSE:SXI) today announced that...
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Standex Electronics India Achieves ISO 9001:2015 Certification for the Manufacture of Sensor Products

Built for full-service sensor production, from design and engineering to manufacturing, Standex’s India facility services customers of reed-based and other sensor solutions across the globe. Chennai, INDIA – February 25, 2020 – Standex Electronics India, a leading manufacturer of precise, reliable and long-lasting sensor solutions, received ISO 9001:2015 certification for...
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Standex Electronics Relocating Global Headquarters to Fairfield, OH

Cincinnati based manufacturer to move its global headquarters and production to Fairfield aligning to their continued vision of product innovation, expansion, and delivering custom and standard product solutions for customers CINCINNATI — January 15, 2019 —Standex Electronics, a global sensor and magnetics components manufacturer with over $200 million USD in worldwide...
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Standex Electronics Launches New Parametric Search Tool

Parametric Search: Find Your Parts Fast New parametric search tool allows users to specify their search filters and parameters, then directly purchase via a wide distribution network CINCINNATI — January 7, 2019 — Standex Electronics today, announces the launch of a newly integrated advanced search tool now live on their global website at www.standexelectronics.com.  This “Parametric Search” resource is also viewable at the...
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Standex Electronics Photo MOSFET Solid State Relays Now Available for Purchase Through Authorized Distribution Partners

New Photo MOSFET Relays are available to order in a variety of mounting styles and pin-outs for general purpose, low capacitance, high current, and high voltage configurations CINCINNATI — November 1, 2018 — Standex Electronics, a global leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of reliable, long-lasting reed relays and...
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Standex Strengthens Magnetics Capabilities with Acquisition of High-Reliability Magnetics Provider Agile Magnetics

Broadens Standex Electronics’ Custom Magnetics Capabilities in High-Growth End Markets; Adds Valuable Manufacturing and Sales Base in Northeast Expected EPS Accretion of $0.06-$0.08 in Fiscal 2019 and $0.11-$0.13 in Fiscal 2020, Excluding Purchase Accounting and Acquisition Costs SALEM, NH – October 1, 2018 Standex International Corporation (NYSE:SXI) today announced that...
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