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What is the Best Switching Device for Pulsed High Current Testing Applications

„Choosing the correct switching device can go a long way to making a successful test system.“ If there are particular areas you need help with, feel free to skip to any of the following sections: Introduction What Are the Critical Test Parameters Choosing the Correct Switching Device Which Reed Relays Are Used in Pulsed High… Erfahren Sie mehr

High Voltage Isolation Relays for Use in Isolation Applications

„High voltage isolation relays protect people and sensitive circuitry“ Introduction Whether we are talking about protecting personal safety or sensitive circuitry, Standex Electronics offers high-voltage relays that deliver high-isolation characteristics. Likewise, these relays reliably operate over a wide temperature range. Moreover, provide an economical way to carry out billions of switching operations. Our high voltage isolation relays… Erfahren Sie mehr

FAQ: Customer Concerns on Reed Relays in Test & Measurement

Building Confidence in Reed Relays for Test & Measurement Applications – Answers to Top Customer Concerns Introduction 1. Applications and Capabilities 2. Performance and Reliability 3. Design and Integration 4. High-Voltage and Environmental Considerations 5. Company-Specific Information   Introduction – FAQ: Customer Concerns on Reed Relays in Test & Measurement The FAQ addresses common customer… Erfahren Sie mehr

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