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Pioneering the Art of Craftsmanship and Innovation

Since the 1950’s, Standex Electronics has been leading efforts to advance the support of customers to solve the toughest of challenges through their innovation in component building capabilities. According to Merriam Webster’s definition of craftsmanship, it states it is “the quality of design and work that are shown in something made by hand”, “or something… Erfahren Sie mehr

Magnetically Based Sensors in a Smart World (GMR, Reed, Hall, etc.)

The ability to monitor the status of almost anything in real time using new, remotely addressable systems is exploding the need for sensors. These sensors can detect and monitor key variables in a broad range of applications including security, industrial processes, transportation equipment, commercial and industrial buildings and even within our own homes. A sensor… Erfahren Sie mehr

Why Standex Electronics Reed Relays and Reed Sensors

To meet the current electronic manufacturing trends surface mountable reed sensors and reed relays offer a long list of exceptional features when designed and packaged for surface mounting on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Their adaptable designs, rugged packaging, and capability of switching into the billions of operations make them an ideal design against other switching… Erfahren Sie mehr

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Power of Electronics 2024
Time: September 11–12, 2024
Place: Vogel Convention Center Würzburg
Für Weitere Informationen, Klicken Sie Hier.

electronica 2024
Booth No.: 331
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