Who we are (intro)
Giving is a way of life at Standex that extends beyond the walls of our facilities. Standex pledges to support local community programs in the areas of education, workforce readiness and community engagement that make impactful improvements to the lives of the people in our communities. We pledge to pursue solutions both for our customers and our communities.
What we do (Education, Jobs, Relief/Aid, and Community – our 4 Pillars)
We partner with local organizations who are dedicated to helping youth, families, and our communities thrive. Through supporting educational programs and institutions with their efforts to improve grades, performance, job readiness, and positive outreach initiatives – we join them in their fight to improve lives. We also partner with organizations who provide disaster relief and/or humanitarian aid to areas and people in need. The way we support giving efforts is through our time, funds, and donations. We also lead efforts through our Standex Foundation with scholarships for youth.
2015 Scholarship Program Flyer
What we believe
We believe that it’s our responsibility to be a socially conscious company who builds into our employees and the communities we work in via action. Our mission is to close the gaps in education and eliminate the blame game. We strive to provide opportunities that help improve the understanding and awareness of how manufacturing companies like ours can provide career paths and work force support. We also provide support for areas hit by disaster and require humanitarian aid. Other efforts generate positive impact to the neighborhoods we work within.