問い合わせ 在庫確認


Standex Electronics has a long company history of quality and excellence dating back to 1969, when Standex International purchased the Paul Smith Company. We have significantly grown over the years by developing new products, partnering with customers, and expanding our global capabilities.

We have also grown our global reach and local touch through synergistic acquisitions and strategic license agreements. Below is a complete list of the company history of acquisitions and agreements:

Sensor Solutions, Corp.
American Relays, Inc.
MEDER electronic Logo
Magnetico, Inc. Logo
ATC Frost Magnetics, Inc. Logo
BG Laboratories Logo

Standex Electronics is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standex International Corporation, a diversified global manufacturing company operating in five segments, including Food Service Equipment, Engraving, Engineering Technologies, Electronics and Hydraulics. The company’s market-leading brands are recognized for quality and innovation. To learn more about Standex International, please visit http://www.standex.com/about/our-company.


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