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7mm |


KOFU Reed Switch ORD613

Reed Switch ORD613 has a glass length of 7.0mm and diameter of 1.8mm. This super ultra-miniature single-contact reed switch is designed for general control of low-level loads under 30V with a rated power of 3 W and switching current 0.2 Amp DC. The contacts are sealed within the glass tube with inert gas to maintain contact reliability. This ultraminiature reed switch is one of our most widely used switches.  It features a close differential between the open and closure values or what is referred to as a narrow hysteresis.  This is key in achieving a precise switching point as with small portable devices.

Reed Schalter ORD213

ORD213リードスイッチは、ガラス管全長7.0mm、ガラス管直径1.8mmの極超小型リードスイッチです。定格1.0W、開閉電圧24V DC、開閉電流0.1A DCです。多岐にわたり使用されています。

極超小型リードスイッチORD311は、ガラス管全長7.0mm、ガラス管直径1.8mmです。定格10W、開閉電圧100V DC、開閉電流0.5A DCです。多岐にわたり使用されています。


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