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FTP Series Class 2 Transformers


FTP Series Class 2 Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed in a printed circuit board (PCB) mounted package.  These transformers 2.5VA to 50 VA and dual primary voltage 115/230V 50/60 Hz. 400 VRMS dielectric strength tested. Bobbins and shroud meet UL94 VO rating. Most models use energy limiting fuse-less design. Split/dual bobbin construction provides for low capacitive coupling, minimizing noise. No electrostatic shield necessary. High isolation primary to secondary. Designed to meet CSA C22.2 No. 66 and UL1585. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.


Rated Power2.5 to 50 VA


Low frequency



TRPH Series Horizontal Split Bobbin Power Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed for printed circuit board (PCB) mounting. Split bobbin construction provides for high isolation primary to secondary, low capacitive to minimize line noise, and require no electrostatic shield. Single 115V or dual 115/230V primaries. Split secondaries allow series, parallel or dual operation. CSA certified LR15697 and UL recognized E107872. Class B – 130°C insulation system. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TRP-TRPD Series Low Voltage Rectifier Power Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed for printed circuit board (PCB) vertical mounting (TRP series is 6 pin and TRPD series is 8 pin). 0.5VA to 24VA single or dual primary voltages. 6 Pin 230 Volt 50/60Hz also available. CSA and UL recognized LR16597, E105782. Class B – 130°C insulation system. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TRPL Series Power Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed for printed circuit board (PCB) mounting and have low inter-winding capacitance and require no electro-static shield due to separated windings. Dual Primaries 115/230V, 50/60Hz and 2.5VA to48 VA. Industry standard P.C. pin layout. CSA Certified LR 16597; UL recognized E105782. Ideal for solid state control and instrumentation as well as sing or dual output D.C. supplies. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TRPI Series Low Voltage Rectifier Power Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed in a printed circuit board (PCB) mounted package with 2.5VA to 56VA and 4000VRMS isolation primary and secondary. Industry standard P.C. board layout. Dual primary/secondary windings for series/parallel operation. CSA/UL recognized components. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TRC Series Low Voltage Rectifier Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed in a chassis mount package – open style. CSA certified LR 16597 and UL recognized E105782. Conservative Class A operation with economical channel frame mounting. Split/dual bobbin operation. All secondaries center tapped Class B – 130°C insulation system used. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TRB Series Low Voltage Rectifier Transformers are line frequency magnetics designed in a printed circuit board (PCB) mounted – open style package. CSA certified LR 16597 and UL recognized E105782. Insulated 10″ TEW primary and secondary leads. Secondary winding center tapped. Custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.

TAP Series Telecomm Transformers are audio matching telecommunications line frequency magnetics designed for PC board (PCB) mount and feature an economical open P.C. frame mounting with bifilar winding for capacitive and resistive balance. Frequency response 200Hz to 15KHz and insertion loss less than 1.5 dB. Dielectric tested for 250 VRMS. Custom epoxy cast unit available as well as custom sizes, ratings and terminations may be engineered for your specific application.


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