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MHV Series Reed Relay


国際規格IEC 60664-1、ISO 6469-3、IEC 60601-1、IEC 62109-1/2に準拠した沿面距離とクリアランスを確保。
AEC-Q200, UL Approved, RoHS/REACHに準拠してテストされています。

MFS series reed relay

The MFS series reed relay is an ultra-compact and lightweight option designed for high-density PCB mounting. It can be easily installed in narrow spaces, making it ideal for high-density market demands. The MFS series offers 1 Form A, 2 Form A, and 1 Form C (SPDT) relay options, making it suitable for load board applications and high-density switching matrices.

  • SPDT High Density
  • 3.3V, 5V, 12V Coil available
  • Magnetic Shield
  • Smallest Mounting Space: 4.9mm x 4.9mm
  • Electrostatic Shield and Diode Options
MF series reed relay is an ultra-high-density vertical

The MF series reed relay is an ultra-high density vertical square shape for high density PCB assembly, which has the smallest surface size of 4.35mm x 4.35mm in our product line. The size allows you to meet the KGD demands of the IC industry by mounting 500 relays on an 8” board and 1000 relays on a 12” board.

We also offer additional options such as single/double shield and relay sockets for easy maintenance. Please contact our sales engineers for more details.

MH series reed relay

The MH series reed relay is a miniature vertical 1 Form C surface mount relay. This relay series offers a higher contact rating, compact mounting area, and high reliability with its 1 Form C configuration, utilizing our renowned 1 Form A + 1 Form B technology. Its standard magnetic field feature minimizes magnetic interference, making it suitable for high-density boards. This relay is ideal for ATE, measurement equipment, and telecommunications.

  • RF performance to 3 GHz
  • 5 Watt Contact Rating, 50 V Switching capable
  • 300 x 10⁶ cycle

超小型表面実装 (SMD) 低プロファイル CRR シリーズリードリレーは、標準値 10^13 Ω の高絶縁抵抗となっています。このリードリレーは、セラミック基板と堅牢な熱硬化性オーバーモールドパッケージで提供されます。IEC 286/part 3 準拠のテープ&リールで供給されます。UL 認定済みです。

UL Certificate of Compliance

MT series reed relay

The MT series reed relay is a high-density surface mount changeover-like form design. This MT series was engineered specifically for ATE pin-electronics differential applications. These relays are available in a single SMT package with a 25% reduction in assembly space compared to existing Sanyu brand SMT product line. The MT series surface mount 1 and 2 Form C (A+B) offer exceptional performance, reliability, and credibility. These high-density surface mount relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

  • RF Performance up to 4 GHz
  • Impedance 50Ω
  • Reliability > 300 Million

UMSシリーズは、超小型計装グレードシングルインライン (SIL) リードリレーであり、非常に近接した配列で使用できます。標準の MS シリーズリードリレーよりもほぼ 50% 小型です。内蔵磁気シールドを装備しています。UL 認定済みで、また。

UL Certificate of Compliance

M Series reed relay

The M Series reed relay 1 Form A with excellent shielding and 4 GHz RF performance. This series relay was developed to significantly reduces the mounting area by approximately 50% while maintaining a maximum contact capacity of 10W. These high-density surface mount relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

  • RF Performance up to 4 GHz
  • Impedance 50Ω
  • Axial leads on demand
  • 1500 V upon request
C Series reed relay high-density surface mount relay

The C Series reed relay is a 1 Form A with excellent shielding and 5 GHz RF performance. This compact, high-density, low-profile surface mount relay offers the same reliability and assembly capabilities as the M Series but in a smaller package. 

Compared to the M Series, it achieves a 10% size reduction while maintaining the same high reliability. The C Series is known for its long product life and is widely used in ATE, telecommunications, and wireless communications markets.

C Series reed relay high-density surface mount relay

The U Series reed relays offer the smallest SMD mounting area while delivering 8 GHz performance. Designed to combine a compact package with high-frequency capability, this series extends its effective bandwidth up to 8 GHz. These ultra miniature relays come in various packaging styles, including Gull-Wing and J-Lead.

CRF シリーズは超小型 7GHz 高周波リードリレーであり、低プロファイル表面実装 (SMD) パッケージ型になっています。RF リードリレーは、標準値 10^13 Ω の高い絶縁抵抗 (IR) を持ち、セラミック基板と堅牢な熱硬化性オーバーモールドパッケージで提供されます。IEC 286/part 3 準拠のテープ&リールで供給されます。UL 認定済み。

UL Certificate of Compliance


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