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RM05-8A-SP シリーズリードリレー


超小型 8 端子低プロファイルスルーホール実装 (THT) RM05-8A-SP シリーズリードリレーモジュールは、デュアルインライン (DIL) ピンアウト (2mm ラスター) および高密度基板実装に適する磁気シールドを装備しています。8 チャンネルリレードライバーを装備し、キックバック保護および並列アクティベーション電子回路付きの MAX4823 を装備しています。PCB スペースを大幅に削減するために設計されており、弊社の RM05-8A よりも 24% 小型で、配線コストおよび組み立てコストを節約できます。


コイル電圧 (VDC)5
コイル抵抗 (Ω)500


テストおよび測定、自動テスト装置 (ATE)、高密度基板実装



アイテム番号データシート代理店地域数量チャート見積依頼Inventory Date
RM05-8A-SP Reed-Rex LLCAmericas0 見積依頼2024-09-04
RM05-8A-SP Digi-Key ElectronicsAmericas0 見積依頼2024-09-14
RM05-8A-SP MASTER/ONLINEAmericas0 見積依頼2024-09-14
RM05-8A-SP Standex FactoryAmericas0 見積依頼2024-09-14
RM05-8A-SP Mouser ElectronicsAmericas20 購入する 見積依頼2024-09-14
RM05-8A-SP TTI Inc Global HeadquartersAmericas0 見積依頼2024-09-14


部品番号 コイル電圧スイッチおよび接点フォーム接点形状接点容量開閉電圧実装オプション特殊機能
RM05-8A-SP58A8PST-NO< 10 W< 200 VDCThrough Hole (THT)Diode & Magnetische AbschirmungIntegriertes Schieberegister


CRF シリーズは超小型 7GHz 高周波リードリレーであり、低プロファイル表面実装 (SMD) パッケージ型になっています。RF リードリレーは、標準値 10^13 Ω の高い絶縁抵抗 (IR) を持ち、セラミック基板と堅牢な熱硬化性オーバーモールドパッケージで提供されます。IEC 286/part 3 準拠のテープ&リールで供給されます。UL 認定済み。

UL Certificate of Compliance

HF シリーズ高周波リードリレーおよび高電圧リードリレーは、5A@30MHz の電流を通電できます。特別にパッケージされたコイルを装備し、PCB ピンはコイル専用です。この高周波リードリレーのスイッチ接点は、直接配線用に使用できます 。特許取得済みの外部静電および磁気シールドを装備しています。RF リードリレーの接点間耐電圧は最大 9kVDC です。

シングルインライン SIL RF シリーズ高周波リードリレーは、DC から 1.5GHz までのスイッチング信号に対応できます。この計装グレードの RF リードリレーは、堅牢な熱硬化性オーバーモールドパッケージで提供されます。必要な PCB 面積は最小で、弊社の DIP および DIL シリーズと比較してわずか 50% です。絶縁耐力 4kVDC が可能で、ダイオードおよび磁気シールドをオプション指定できます。




AI Demand Fuels Reed Technology Use | Electronica China 2024

AI Industry's stronger demand for power and test equipment drive reed switch, sensor, and relay use.

Ralf Maier speaks to the AI Industry's impact on Reed technology use. "We are continuously developing new products for all our three product lines. We have the reed switches, sensors and relays. The AI industry has a stronger demand for power, but also a stronger demand for test equipment. This test equipment is used around the semiconductor fabrication and our products, especially the reed relays, are used in unique test equipment around the world to support these industries. Reed technology is used in almost every market. I think in your daily life you come across reed products every day. They are used in appliances such as washing machines and fridges, but they also used in security products like door alarm systems. But then we just talked about the semiconductor test equipment. Many, many reed relays are used there.

And one of our biggest markets is transportation and automotive where the electric vehicles take a large market share. Obviously, the last few years were very challenging for all the industry manufacturers. We have 10 factories around the world, and we have some unique capabilities, but also capabilities we have in different sites. So, we can support our customers in all the major regions directly with our processes and products. So, our intention is to continue to grow and to diversify our product portfolio. We have a strong road map for all three product lines for the reed switches, the sensors and the relays, and we continuously invest into new processes to be more efficient. Standex Electronics is your partner for sensing and switching solutions across the globe. We enable an electrified future."

Reflecting on a successful week at Electronica China, we at Standex Electronics are invigorated by the connections we've made and the opportunities that lie ahead. Our participation in this premier event has not only allowed us to showcase our cutting-edge solutions from Sanyu but also to engage in meaningful dialogue with industry peers and customers.

Our commitment to innovation was met with enthusiasm, and we're excited to foster the new relationships built during the tradeshow. The synergy between problem-solving and customer satisfaction is what drives us forward. Here's to transforming these engagements into enduring partnerships and continuing to lead with innovation in the electronics sector.

Standex Electronics Global Reed Switch Products and Capabilities

As the leader in reed switch technology, Standex impacts lives by contributing to effective product performance in household, automotive and utilities applications.

Standex Electronics | Company Video

Standex Electronics is a worldwide market leader in the design, development, and manufacture of standard and custom electro-magnetic components, including magnetics products and reed switch-based solutions.

In this video, we discuss our global manufacturing and supply chain capabilities by fueling the processes that we often take for granted every day. Through our diverse in-house capabilities and strong engineering designs we PARTNER with our customers to SOLVE their unique challenges, and DELIVER custom high-performing solutions...

Standex Electronics | Values

Standex Electronics new company video shares our global manufacturing and supply chain capabilities through our partner, solve, and deliver approach.

Standex Electronics dynamic engineering and diverse product line of custom and standard components deliver reliable high-quality solutions to customers across broad markets and applications. Our robust product offerings include Reed Switches, Relays, and Sensors, Planar Transformers and Inductors, and Fluid Level Sensors that provide solutions for the Automotive, HVAC, Alternative Energy, Lighting/LED, Appliance, Mil-Aero, Medical, and many others...

Standex Electronics Japan | Company Video

Standex Electronics Japan is a worldwide market leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of magnetic reed switches. Headquartered in Kofu City, Japan it was previously branded as the OKI Sensor Device Corporation prior to being acquired by Standex Electronics, Inc., a division of Standex International. The new name of OKI Reed Switches is KOFU, A Standex Electronics Brand.

Reed Switches for Smart Home Automation Systems

Reed Switches work well with smart home automation systems because they draw no power compared to other magnetic sensing elements. They can be married to a wireless or Bluetooth technology and placed in remote battery powered door sensors or window sensors, or anything where you’re looking for movement or proximity. They’re a very cost-effective and robust component suitable for the home environment, requiring fewer connections resulting in longer battery life.

In today’s homes and also commercial properties, there’s an increased necessity for control to improve efficiency and productivity. And with that control, you have different products that measure temperature, water levels, security, and locks, so within those products reed switches play a major role in making them “smart”.

Standex Electronics is a global leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of standard and custom Reed Switches.

Product Training Module – RF Reed Relays Part I

Welcome to Standex Electronics' RF Reed Relays Part I training module. Reed relays have long been known to have the capability to switch and carry RF signals and fast digital pulses. Hardly anyone thought reed relays were capable of switching and carrying RF up to 20 GHz, because the reed switch's leads are composed of nickel/iron which has a relatively high permeability or (MU). However, 20GHz is now a reality at Standex Electronics. We will be presenting the reasons Standex Electronics and their design team have made this possible.

Product Training Module – RF Reed Relays Part II

Welcome to Standex Electronics' RF Reed Relays Part II training module. This second RF presentation assumes you have already heard the first Standex Electronics RF Part I presentation. Understanding the simple physical layout of a reed relay makes it easy to design and rest reed relays for RF and fast digital pulse applications. RF is dependent on the physical layout or signal path it takes while going through circuits and the components that make up those circuits. We will show you how the physical layout of the reed relay will have a direct bearing on the RF signal's success going into and out of the reed relay. Coupled with the relay's physical layout, the materials making up the reed relay are also important.

Product Training Module – Reed Relay Overview

Welcome to Standex Electronics Reed Relay training module. This module will define key terms used in reed relays and their applications. The module will also describe the structure and function of reed relays and their vast number of applications.

Product Training Module – Magnet Technology & Their Uses

Welcome to Standex Electronics where we will be exploring what magnets are and how they are used in the electronic industry. We will define the key terms relating to magnets and we will explore what magnets are, what they do, and how they are used.

Product Training Module – Latching Form B Reed Relays & Sensors

Welcome to Standex Electronics' Latching and Form B Reed Relay and Sensor training module. This module will define key terms of Form B and Latching sensors and relays. The module will also describe the structure and function of latching and Form B reed relays and sensors.

How a Reed Switch Works

The Reed Switch is the core element in Reed Sensors, Level Sensors and Reed Relays. A magnetic contact switch consisting of two ferromagnetic blades are hermetically sealed inside a glass tube. The glass tube is filled with a high purity inert gas. Under non operating conditions the reed switch contacts do not touch. Standex Electronics is leading the way in reed switch manufacturing...

How Reed Switches are Manufactured

Ultra miniature and high precision Reed Switch manufacturing in the most modern factory of its kind. Standex Electronics micro technology enables the mass production of Reed Switches at the highest quality for competitive pricing. The complete process from the sputtering of the magnetic contacts through the hermetic sealing and final testing...

Reed Switch Technology

Standex Electronics expert discusses reed switch technology and why reed switches play such an important role in many applications.

3D Magnetic Mapping for Sensor Applications

Standex Electronics's technical expert describes their 3D Magnetic Mapping capabilities used in reed sensor applications

Reed Switch SMD Sensor & Magnet Actuation in 3-D

A Reed Switch Sensor on a surface mount PCB assembly shown in 3-D with actuating magnet. When viewed in three dimensions, the magnetic flux lines emanating from the magnet look like a beer barrel keg; and also in three dimensions, with the magnet parallel to the reed switch, the center magnetic lobe array looks like a donut and the two outside lobes look more like a boxer's punching bag -- the kind hung from the ceiling. Essentially the fields from the magnet and the fields for the lobes are symmetrical when viewed in three dimensions. As seen in two dimensions, when the magnet is brought into one of the lobes the reed switch contacts will close. Now, as seen in three dimensions the magnet can be brought into the lobes in any spherical direction for contact closure to occur. Here the magnet is moved into the sphere of influence of the lobes of the reed switch showing the closure and opening when the magnet enters the lobes and passes through them, The change in lighting signifies the closing and opening of the reed switch contacts.

Standex Electronics at AHR Expo 2013

Alex Vinnage talks about what attendees can expect from Standex Electronics at the 2013 AHR Expo.


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