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Standex Electronics Acquired American Relays, Inc.

American Relays, Inc. added to Standex Electronics Timeline

Cincinnati, OH, May 25, 2021Standex Electronics, a global electronics component manufacturer, is pleased to announce that it has acquired American Relays, Inc., a US-based company that makes reed switch-based relays.

American Relays, Inc.

“Standex Electronics is proud to add the American Relays brand to its portfolio of reed relays as it further strengthens its position in the Test and Measurement market. This acquisition will allow Standex to provide more products and options to customers of both companies,” said John Meeks, President of Standex Electronics.


“This acquisition will also help us in strengthening our position in the North American relay market as we will now be able to provide American Relay customers with a wider array of relay products and deeper application knowledge,” said Ralf Maier, VP/GM of the Sensor and Relay product lines.

If you have any questions about American Relays products, please reach out to either sales@americanrelays.com or info@standexelectronics.com.

To learn more about Standex Electronics, please visit standexelectronics.com.

About Standex Electronics:
Standex Electronics is a worldwide market leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of standard and custom electro-magnetic components, including magnetics products and reed switch-based solutions. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Standex Electronics has 10 manufacturing facilities in seven countries, located in the United States, Germany, China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan and India.


Media Relations

Vineet Kshirsagar
VP – Business Development
+1 (248) 885-1389

Julie Dargie
Senior Global Marketing Manager


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