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Standex Electronics Introduces Broad Range of Planar Transformers

Cincinnati, OH – August 28, 2011 – Standex Electronics introduces a full lineup of planar transformers which deliver high-performance from compact, low-profile designs. In addition to space-saving designs, volumetric efficiency and thermal performance, planar transformers provide low leakage inductance and repeatable capacitance. Available in standard or custom designs, Standex planar transformers are ideal for various demanding applications including military/aerospace, medical, hybrid and electric vehicles, LED lighting, renewable energy such as wind and solar, and more.

Manufactured of windings that are made of copper foil lead frames sandwiched between ferrite cores, Standex offers four families of planar products to suit specific application parameters from 180W to 10KW. Each family features a large core surface that promotes heat transfer. In addition AC resistance and proximity Cu loss are minimized. Low turns count also improves Cu loss. Optimized core cross section lowers core loss while PCB construction minimizes Cu loss. Modular construction allows design engineers to tradeoff cost versus efficiency.

“We are excited to launch these new planar transformer families” said Standex Electronics Director of Global Marketing Christian Rogiers. “Customers have long relied on Standex for custom transformers and electronic components – and now we’re extending that reach with these compact yet powerful planar families. While the standard designs will handle many applications across varied industries, we are able and eager to customize them to suit particular customer parameters.”

About Standex Electronics

Standex Electronics is a subsidiary of Standex International Corporation www.Standex.com, a publicly-traded diversified manufacturer of products for many markets. (NYSE-SXI). Standex Electronics is a manufacturer of custom electro-magnetic components and assemblies, including reed switches and relays, transformers and inductors, proximity and fluid-level sensors, antennas and coils, connectors, lighting products, as well as current sense and planar transformers. Standex Electronics provides custom solutions to its customers serving a variety of markets such as Military and Aerospace, Medical, General Industrial, Automotive, Major Appliance, HVAC/R, Utility Metering, Lighting, Recreational and Off Highway Vehicles, Security, Space, and Green markets, including Solar, Electric Cars, Smart Meters, etc. Standex Electronics has world-class facilities in the United States, Mexico, The United Kingdom, Canada, and China. All facilities are ISO 9001 registered for quality assurance. For more information, call +1.866.STANDEX, contact Standex Electronics, Inc., at 4538 Camberwell Road,
Cincinnati, OH 45209, USA, visit www.standexelectronics.com, or e-mail at info@standexelectronics.com.

For more information on Standex Electronics, please visit us on the web at www.standexelectronics.com

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Julie Dargie
Standex Electronics
+1-508-295-0771 ext. 111
  Brian Siegel
Standex Electronics


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