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製品ソリューション - 自動車市場アプリケーション

Automotive design engineers strive to in-crease fuel efficiency by reducing the size and weight of each component. So they rely on Standex Electronics engineers to provide assemblies as well as ideas, engineering expertise and assistance at every stage. Whether a project is in design, test or production – Standex Electronics delivers.

We supply various components used throughout consumer and commercial vehicles. Our family of washer fluid sensors includes 45 designs with 8 standard connectors. Our auto immobilizer security antennas are used by every major auto manufacturer.

We can provide components or integrate them into value-added assemblies to streamline production and reduce assembly time and cost. In house capabilities – including molding, stamping, winding, termination and assembly make us unique and uniquely qualified to handle automotive applications. And our “global footprint” means that we manufacture worldwide to simplify shipping, logistics and saving costs.

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