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製品ソリューション - HVAC/Rアプリケーション用浸水防止スイッチ

Trigger Pumps to Eliminate Condensate Overflow Buildup

A new line of Flood Prevention Switches from Standex Electronics safeguards HVAC/R environments from condensate overflow buildup. With Tee, elbow and bracket models to suit any installation – these low voltage switches are ideal for commercial and residential HVAC/R applications. At the heart of this proven technology is an integral magnetic reed switch from the world leader in magnetic reed switch design and manufacture – Standex Electronics.

Each model of the FPS (Flood Prevention Switch) family is simple to in-stall, easy to service and extremely reliable. As water level in the main or auxiliary drain pipe rises (due to a clogged air conditioning condensate drain) the FPS shuts off the system – thus preventing water from overflowing which could cause damage to floors, walls and ceilings. Compliant with UL508, and manufactured of materials that will not rust or stick, the FPS operates smoothly every time.

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