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Product Solutions – Rogowski Coils for Accurate AC Current Measuring

Rogowski coils Ideal for High Current Metering Applications

Rogowski coils are wire wound “air” core toroids which are used to measure AC current. The AC current that is measured creates a magnetic field, generating a voltage in the coil. The voltage produced is relative to the change in current. This innovative technology has been used in high current metering applications with very high accuracy.

A conductor which carries the current to be measured passes through the center of the Rogowski coil, which senses the change in current. An integrator transforms the signal to be measured, while a filter is used to eliminate any noise in the signal. Advances in digital IC measurement technology provide greater integrator reliability. The move to smart metering has accelerated the use of Rogowski coils.

Our engineers routinely work with customers to develop custom solutions to their challenging projects. Some value-added examples include shielding to isolate current from downstream components, or single- or double-sided PCB with ground planes to reduce noise.

Custom packaging including molding, encapsulation, connections and more help to streamline final assembly, integration into other components, and in-field installation.

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