Reed Technology Sensors
Standex Electronics incorporates our reed switches into a wide variety of custom magnetic sensors and switches for proximity, motion, and speed sensing applications. The reed sensors come in hundreds of different sizes and shapes to meet a multitude of different application requirements. Customers have the opportunity to work with our engineers to design or select the best packaging concept that will line up with their application.
Our unique and patented production process allows us to produce not only very small reed switches, but when we incorporate these into proximity sensors the result is a small sensor with big performance impact.
These ultra-miniature components allow big improvements in the performance of diverse products within medical devices, security systems, safes, and industrial control applications.
Inductive Technology Sensors
Standex Electronics manufactures custom inductive technology position, motion and speed sensors with the following features:
- Detect metallic objects without touching them -used for proximity sensing applications such as speed sensors
- Each project designed to exacting customer standards including the ability to withstand harsh environments
- Proven in appliance safety applications with thousands of cycles, and extreme “under hood” automotive applications