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Surface Mount |

Our environmentally sealed surface mount reed sensor series range from 5.5mm (MK24 series) and up. And cover the majority of low power switching requirements. Furthermore SMD reed sensors are based on reed switch technology known for long life switching for billions of operations (load dependent). Drawing no power in their normally open contact state. A feature that is required in battery powered and portable medical devices. Choose from various switching configurations ranging from 0-100W rated power and switching voltages up to 1,000 VDC. And typically supplied in tape and reel packing per standard IEC 286/part 3. So you can manufacture our SMD reed switch products with automatic pick and place handling. We don't just manufacture switches! We specialize in value-add and custom assembly services including surface mount technology. See how we partner to solve your complex requirements. Send us a request!

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MK33 Series Reed Sensor

The MK33 series reed sensor is a bare glass sensor engineered with a new lead design, providing stability and optimum coplanarity. The unique barrel lead design provides superb solderability and self-alignment to the pads for easy pick and place. Choose from 2 different switch models: the ultraminiature 10mm MK33-87 version or the 14mm automotive-grade MK33-66, capable of switching 200 VDC. Each features an extremely low-profile construction, ideal for applications requiring small footprint in printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies. Their tiny footprint allows the MK33 series to be mounted in a tight reed switch ladder array, for multi-point and continuous liquid level monitoring applications. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 60286- 3.






MK24 Reed Sensor Dimensions

Ultraminiature surface mount (SMD) MK24 series reed sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection with optional Form B (SPST-N.C.) contact form. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial or gull-wing lead designs available. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance

Ultraminiature surface mount (SMD) MK31 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. J-lead design. UL Approval

MK17 Reed Sensor

Ultraminiature surface mount (SMD) MK17 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial, gull-wing or J-lead designs available. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance (MKxxU *Series followed by U)

MK22 Reed Sensor

Miniature surface mount (SMD) MK22 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial or gull-wing lead designs available. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance

MK23 Reed Sensor

Best value ultraminiature bare glass surface mount (SMD) MK23 Series Reed Sensor series used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection with high voltage and Form C (SPDT Changeover) options. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial, gull-wing, inverse gull-wing, J-lead or helix lead designs available. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance

MK16 Reed Sensor

Miniature surface mount (SMD) MK16 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial or gull-wing lead designs available. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance (MKxxU *Series followed by U)

MK15 Reed Sensor

Normally closed (SPST-N.O.) surface mount (SMD) MK15 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Axial or gull-wing lead, high power switch. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance (MKxxU *Series followed by U)

MK30 Reed Sensor

High voltage surface mount (SMD) MK30 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. Gull-wing lead design. UL Approval

MK01 Reed Sensor

SPDT Changeover surface mount (SMD) MK01 Series Reed Sensor used in On/Off control switch, proximity, motion, position detection with high power switch option. Supplied in tape and reel according to IEC 286/part 3. UL Approval

UL Certificate of Compliance


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APEC 2025 – Applied Power Electronics Conference & Exposition
Time: March 16-20, 2025
Place: Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia
Booth No.: 1717
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