Allows “Smart Metering” and “Time-of-Use” Billing
Electricity usage continues to climb. Faced with the expensive option of adding capacity, municipalities and utilities are increasingly opting to monitor the time of use and invoice those customers that are driving the need for increased capacity with higher rates – thereby altering demand. Highly accurate Standex Electronics Current Transformers play a key role in this “smart metering” process.
Electric currents in the circuit are too high to be applied directly to measuring instruments. Current in the monitored circuit produces a reduced but proportional current in the Standex Electronics Current Transformer which is then monitored by measuring instrumentation.
Effective for both residential and commercial environments, “Time-of-Use” or “Smart Meter” monitoring is easy to install in new or existing facilities and have minimal size/space requirements. Multitenant properties can bill tenants for individually measured electricity usage through the use of multiple CTs and a single measuring instrument.
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