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10W 负载实际意味着什么?

Many customers misunderstand what a 10 watt load is.  We typically rate the same contacts with 200 volts and 0.5 amps.  Since the wattage requirement can be derived from ohms law, namely Wattage = Voltage x current, one can easily misconstrue this to mean we can switch up to 100 watts with the above voltage and current.  What we really mean is that we can switch up to 200 volts but with a maximum wattage of 10 .  This means if we are switching 200 volts, the maximum current we can switch is 0.050 amps.  Conversely is we are switching 0.5 amps, the maximum voltage we can switch will be 20 volts .  Perhaps specifying these parameters differently may be a better approach that will cause less confusion.



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